Wednesday 31 October 2012

Lengthening shadows

This time of year delicate structures start to reveal themselves after the fullness of autumn fades. I am aware of missing the change in seasons, wrapped up in a world of work.  While I have busied myself, in another world muted greys and greens and lengthening shadows have been developing a soft palette of botanical patterning.

Lately time has taken on a different quality for me. Days and weeks slip by and sleep is fugitive. in spite of the seeming lack of time to reflect, in recent days I have noticed a few fleeting glimpses of things from the past; reminders; shadows of thoughts to bring me back to the why and wherefore. It has also been a time to consider the important things that define me, reminding myself that money does not motivate me and that seven years is too long to wait to renew old acquaintances. Still it was worth realising that we may be a few years older but deep down just the same as we ever were.

Knowledge of self is more valuable than all the study and diplomas in the world.

Walk more, look more, smile more, sleep more


  1. Thank you Hannah.
    I needed to hear this tonight!
    A timely reminder for me
    right now.

  2. It's nice to know that somewhere under all the busy, busy, I have work to do and important things to worry about, the woman I married and love still exists and knows what's really important. Enjoy the autumn whenever you can as soon we'll be jumping in huge snow drifts - lets hope.

  3. Timely for me too, take care x



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