Sunday, 15 November 2009

a plan is hatched... well almost

This week I finally felt like I was finding my way. I managed to find an unexpected spare day and used it to get to grips with where my practice is going. I had a good talk with John and he helped me sort out the criticism I have received lately. I'm glad John is 'no-nonsense' like me. Although he isn't an art lover he always has a sympathetic ear for my little trials and tribulations.
John helped me divide the key areas of research into two clearly distinct areas:

Actual physical phenomena; place, woodland, light, space

Human experiences; emotional response to place, home, feeling out of place, spirituality

He also identified TIME as an aspect that all the other things are experienced through/in. So then we discussed how I could indicate that these elements are experienced through time; I wondered about using time based media (e.g. film) but I don't think this is the right thing for my work (for now anyway). Instead John suggested overlapping things to help describe the overlapping of my memories of place with the current situation I find myself in. So this is one aspect I am going to explore in more depth. The other idea is to develop work which carries evidence of developing over a period of time... (this sounds good but not sure how yet).

The main things I have identified this week are the need to communicate my ideas more appropriately and clearly and also to create some more resolved outcomes, i.e. something that looks finished. I have spent a long time trying things out without really making anything of substance - SO NOW IS THE TIME!

The problem is the assessment is mid January, so I have hardly any time to get things done. Perhaps the answer is less blogging and more working!

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