Friday, 6 July 2012

What would you pack?

Tomorrow I am off to Devon on holiday, and I would like to take some materials or tools with me as a means of capturing those moments of relaxed inspiration. But I am stuck with the question of what to take? Possible options include:

digital camera
vintage box camera (without film)
pinhole camera
sewing cottons
embroidery threads
yarns for knitting or fibre constructions
cyanotype coated fabrics
silk, wool, linen for eco bundling

I thought perhaps I would ask what you might take with you on your travels?
Do you have a little kit or a favourite tool that always travels with you?


  1. I invariably take way too much with me when I go and gather my art things well in advance of the actual departure. When we go to Cornwall we travel by train and I have to be a bit more circumspect. I then take my camera, never without it, a sketchbook, watercolours and brush, pens, matt medium for collaging, small scraps of fabric, scissors, small bottle of ink and some acrylic white, and a few wax or oil crayons. I also like to take some silk for rubbings or for seaweed dyeing, and also a hand stitching project with threads etc. Can you tell I can never really make my mind up what to take? lol Less is more so they say but I can never master that one :-) Have a great holiday!

    1. Thanks Julie. I can never make up my mind either.

  2. I've pared my travelling collection of materials right down. It's an interesting challenge when I don't have much to use - less distracting in a way. Camera, sketchbook and pen, fabric and threads. See you when you return? I hope the rainy weather stays put up here!x

    1. I think I need to make myself a little travel kit. I used to have a little drawing kit that fitted in an old tobacco tin back when I was a student.

  3. I'm not going anywhere on holidays this year - but after listening to the radio this morning - I'd pack a lifeboat!!
    Have a great trip though - sound like it's going to be very creative!

    1. Lifeboat might not have been such a silly idea!

  4. I always take too much! I use my camera most along with my sketchbook, liner pen and watercolours for recording quick sketches. I often take my coloured pencils too :)

  5. can't remember the last time i went somewhere on 'holiday' but if i did i would pack
    a big jar of enthusiasm
    magic energy extract
    my spirit of adventure
    the belief that everything i need
    will be found where i go

    happy trails

  6. Camera- always a camera. I feel like something's missing when it's not there. A notebook for writing in (I think too much)...then depending on how long the holiday is I sometimes take a small tin with me that contains needle, thread, fabric scraps, beads etc or whatever I want to work on. I sometimes think to pack something to keep found objects in- stones, bones, rusty wire etc that I find on walks. Lately I'm getting into wood carving so I'd probably take a pen knife...oh dear, no room in the bad for clothes! I'm so jealous you're going to Devon, the west country is wonderful.

  7. I would always take a camera and art materials for skectbook. I have tried taking materials to make something while away but it never worked for me. You cold set a restriction that anything you do is made with found objects...... Make it a challenge.

  8. Replies
    1. Definitely! I certainly needed mine last week. I practically didn't take it off!

  9. definitely my favorite watercolor brushes, Lukas aquarells, Fabriano softpress paper cut into 5" x 7" pieces--all ready to receive impressions day or night!

  10. I always intend to keep it simple and take the minimum, but then other things creep in. sketchbook, pen and camera at the absolute minimum but usually a bag full of other bits, just in case...

  11. Thanks to everyone for your comments, they made very interesting reading. It sounds like almost everyone takes a camera... what would happen if we didn't? I sometimes think I rely on my camera too much, but that's for another trip.

  12. i always take too much as well - there's an anxiety that i will feel like stitching/knitting/sketching/watercolouring/fabric bundling and not have the right tools! i knit in the car and we all usually sit around and draw for a bit. collecting bags for collecting treasure on walks. and i'm taking a camera less and less - the camera app on my phone often gives better results.

    i keep intending to build a small on the go kit but come back to the dilemma of what to leave out.

    you look like you're having a wonderful holiday :)
