Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The game is afoot - want to play?

A little collecting game to play at the river, seaside, wood, mountain, garden, car park...

First find an interesting thing...

... then see how many other interesting things you can find with the same characteristic.

Today it is the colour blue:

... and then find something to put your treasure in (like this rusty enamel tin found in the river)
or make a display to leave behind for other people to see your lovely finds.

I've been playing by the river today, where for the first time in ages the river is low enough to look for treasure. It's funny to think the last time I walked the footpath here (which is now about a metre higher than the water) there were fish swimming in it.

If anyone wants to play along, send me a link to your blog posting and I'll add it here, no prizes, just for fun. Tomorrow it's 'things with holes in'.

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