Sunday, 3 June 2012

Come on in, the door is open

Despite the rotten weather we had a steady stream of visitors on our opening day today. It was lovely to make some new acquaintances. It was worth braving the rain for a sneaky peak into Claire's basement studio, accessed via the garden. You can see a few photos of her hidden hideaway here.

I'm hoping to see a few more familiar faces tomorrow... still lots of homemade cake!


  1. The photos look beautiful. Full of atmosphere. I like the wood partnered with you work. I would visit if I could!

    1. Thanks very much. There is a lovely relationship between all the natural materials.

  2. There is a lovely calm atmosphere in these photos, that compliments the wonderful things you have on show.

    1. Hi Jane, yes it does look rather calm, and it has been mostly a really chilled out and lovely experience. I suppose all good things must come to an end.
