Sunday, 13 May 2012

Exotic colours

Although not my usual subdued tones, I am hoping to do something with these papers in time for Bradford Open for Art. Freshly unfolded today, it was exciting to see the marks and colours. Anyone care to guess where the exotic looking purple comes from?


  1. Wow! Bright! I'd hazard a guess at berberis...

  2. No, not berberis. Something much less exotic.

  3. I will tell you after I've been on claire's dyeing course ha ha! they are lovely

  4. I've had a few offline guesses but still no correct answers. I feel sure someone will get it right.

    To give you a clue it isn't exotic at all, but was something I've had in my freezer for ages meaning to use, so it was just out of season.

  5. Actually I do know but I'll not say and spoil it for everyone. I can say it made a terrible mess in the fridge and everywhere else.

  6. Thanks beloved; you should be used to that by now!
