Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Your opinion urgently desired!

I will be exhibiting as part of Bradford Open for Art this year in an open house (more details to follow) but I am really stuck deciding which image to put forward to go in the brochure and on the website. I need to choose just one to represent my work and draw the visitors in. So it needs to be representative and have an instant appeal/impact.

I need as many of you as possible to choose one of the two images shortlisted below, don't think too much just go with your gut reaction. Thanks so much folks!

image 1
image 2


  1. The second image is easier to understand, more straightforward but I would say the colours of the first and the look seems more representative of what you show us here.

  2. image 1 for sure!

  3. Tough choice.
    Image 2.
    cheers, Colette

  4. I am new to your blog. Am a textile artist turned jeweler...studied at RI School of Design in the US. Image #1 is much more mysterious and has my whole-hearted endorsement. Your blog and work are simply amazing.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comments, I'm so pleased you like my blog.

  5. The jury's still out! Any more views gratefully received.

  6. Hi I think both images are gorgeous ... but maybe image 1 seems to reflect your practice more? Anyway ... best of luck ... and i agree with the other comments that your work is amazing.

    1. Thanks Michelle, I really appreciate your very kind comments.

  7. The people have spoken! Thanks for all your help and wonderful encouragement. It looks like image 1 is the favourite so far. I really appreciate your feedback everyone.

  8. I've not visited your blog often, but image 1 is most appealing to me! Seeing that, I would certainly want to see more from the artist, in this case from you!

  9. image 1 Hannah, its intriguing, enigmatic and I want to see more. The colours are welcoming also

    1. Hi Sharon. Thanks for your thoughts. Lovely to hear from you!

  10. The people's choice was image 1, so this is the one I am going with. Thanks for all your lovely words, as always I really appreciate your thoughts.

  11. I will be telling you more about Bradford Open for Art soon, but if you can't wait or want to get involved yourself check out the website http://www.bradfordopen.org/
