Saturday, 14 April 2012

More Progress

I think the process of signing up for the Bradford Open has galvanised me into action. It has been a long time since I have felt so productive and the work seems to be going along without much of a hitch. Just this week I have made four small finished pieces that I reasonably happy with; remarkable! I am also pleased to have been working a lot with stitch, and have been finding this a lovely fluid process.

The work I have been doing recently has a strong connection with the work I did as an undergraduate but with the benefit of a richer understanding of my subject matter. The work uses found objects and materials to create responses based on walking and observing the local landscape. I have been doing this for some time, but am only just now starting to combine this methodology with something that is accessible and has the look of a finished work or composition. I am really pleased to be getting back to this way of working as I have often wondered how and why I came to veer away into the world of cute and quirky? Staying true to your artistic vision is hard, but I need to continually question and push my practice so that it doesn't slip away from me. Students take note!

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