Monday, 1 November 2010

Keighley Green Trail - unveiled

Saturday was the launch of the Keighley Green Trail and the window displays were finally revealed. It has been an interesting project which has introduced me to working on public commissions. At times it has been frustrating and stressful but I have learnt a great deal about the process and met some lovely people in the process. Below are some images of the 'Wild About Keighley' window I created with Liz Melling. I created the large map piece and Liz created the large willow and tissue paper flowers and bugs  through children's workshops.
Installing the work

The finished display

I chose to use tissue paper backed onto cloth for the map to compliment Liz's sculptures. I was also inspired by a recent tutorial with one of my students were we discussed cloth backed maps... funny how things come together!

There was something interesting about the work as seen from the inside looking out; by using tracing paper my work gains transparency and luminosity. I think this might be something to explore further.


  1. This is really lovely Hannah.

  2. It looks really interesting Hannah. I recently bought 'Bloom' magazine and there is a piece in there about India Flint. If you send me your address, I will photo copy it for you. (
