Saturday, 5 June 2010

The penny drops!

I am having a good few days, feeling closer to understanding what I am trying to do.

I noticed Abigail Doan's posting about an exhibition called Propagating Eden: Techniques of Nature Printing in Botany and Art. The exhibition looks fabulous, I wish I could go, but Wave Hill gallery have kindly made the exhibition catalogue available online.

The images are exquisite, including historical and contemporary examples, and I was busy appreciating the wonders of the natural world when I suddenly wondered why Richard Long's 'Mud Hand Prints' were included? They seemed out of place amongst the mainly botanical images.... AND THEN THE PENNY DROPPED... the artist IS nature!

I found two other artists in the catalogue exploring themes of self within nature or self as nature and they also had in common a very primal response to nature. My favourite are the works by Valerie Hammond (below), which have an instant attraction along with a spiritual richness.

This all starts to give me ideas about how nature, self awareness, place and process might all come together. 


  1. really loving Valerie Hammond's stuff will have to look further! thanks for sharing xxx

  2. Ooh, thank you for the introduction to Valerie Hammond - very interesting work! Glad to hear that things are falling into place for you with your research too.
